
Effects Of  Addiction

Effects Of  Addiction

Effect Of An  Addiction

An  addiction is a state of physical or psychological dependence on a behavior or substance, especially compulsive dependence, to the extent that such dependence leads to societal or personal harm.  Addictive behavior is a habit that has spun out of control, resulting in negative consequences upon one’s own health.

Addiction is a complex condition that involves compulsive drug or substance use despite harmful consequences. Addiction can also refer to the compulsive use of other behaviors, such as gambling or shopping. Addiction is characterized by a loss of control over the substance or behavior, cravings, and continued use despite negative consequences.

There is a medical model which perceives addictive behavior as a disease that is caused by uncontrollable and recessive drug use overtimes and the addict barely has control of it.

Addictive behavior occurs when an addiction becomes out of control and there are negative consequences on the body’s health.

Addiction is generally a neuropsychological symptom defining pervasive and intense urge to engage in maladaptive behaviors providing immediate sensory rewards (e.g. consuming drugs, excessively gambling, overeating, sex addict, masturbation etc), despite their harmful consequences. Dependence is generally an addiction that can involve withdrawal issues. Addictive disorder is a category of mental disorders defining important intensities of addictions or dependences, which induce functional disabilities. There are no agreed definitions on these terms –

except that the individual is not addicted to a substance, but he/she is addicted to the behavior or the feeling experienced by acting out the behavior.

An  addictive behavior  is a behavior, or a stimulus related to a behavior (e.g., sex or food television compulsion, and internet addiction), that are all  rewarding and  reinforcing, and is associated with the development of an addiction. Apart from the aforementioned addictive behaviors the most common one would be substance addiction (including alcohol, tobacco, drugs and cannabis).  Not all individual are addicted to substance some individual are addicted to the behavior or the feeling experienced by acting out the behavior.

Addiction can have a significant impact on a person’s physical, emotional, and social well-being. It can lead to health problems, financial difficulties, relationship problems, and legal troubles. Addiction is considered a chronic disease that requires ongoing treatment and management.


People with addiction often have one or more associated health issues, which could include lung or heart disease, stroke, cancer, or mental health conditions. Imaging scans, chest X-rays, and blood tests can show the damaging effects of long-term drug use throughout the body.

For example, it is now well-known that tobacco smoke can cause many cancers, methamphetamine can cause severe dental problems, known as meth mouth, and that opioids can lead to overdose and death. In addition, some drugs, such as inhalants, may damage or destroy nerve cells, either in the brain or the peripheral nervous system (the nervous system outside the brain and spinal cord). Addiction can also cause some damages to the heaths such as HIV/AIDS and some other sex transmission deseases. It aslo include sexual dysfunction, brain damage, heart disease, kidney failure, loss of memory, infertility and mental disorder etc.


Substance abuse can affect more than just the individual struggling—it can also affect families, from effects on children whose parents struggle with addiction to parents with children in active addiction. Families can also play an important role in a loved one’s recovery from addiction.

While drug and alcohol abuse can feel like a lonely struggle, the truth is that it doesn’t just affect the person struggling. It also affects those who love and care about them most such as siblings, parents, children, and spouses.

As a family, no matter how large or small, tend to operate as a unit. When one family member is experiencing life disruption as a result of their addiction to drugs, negative life style or other substances, that disruption can also extend to the family.


Addiction is a serious issue that affects millions of people ( in which youths and teenagers) take the highest percentage of this population and their families. Addiction affects many more people than just the addicted individual, including their family members, neighbors, employers, and friends.

The incapability of the addicted individual to live a healthy, full life is one of the most misfortune ways addiction has affected society. The effects of addiction in our society includes:

  1. Increased criminal activity
  2. unexpected expenses for related health issues
  3. Untimely or premature death.
  4. Self destruction
  5. Depression
  6. Loss of coordination
  7. Loss of employment due to legal consequences.

In conclusion, addiction as cause a lot of havoc in our society, families, workspace including the heath of the victims. To reduce the addition of any form must especially substance abuse to the minimum level, it takes a collective efforts as a society, families and even the government to wage war against any form of negative addiction. We also need to show the victims of addiction undiluted affection and care to rescue them from the bondage of addiction.

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