
How To Cancel The Thought Of Divorce In Christian Marriages

How To Cancel The Thought Of Divorce In Christian Marriages

How To Cancel The Thought Of Divorce In Christian Marriages

BIBLE TEXT:  GENESIS 2:18, 24, MALACHI 2:15-16, MATTHEW 19:3-9

Genesis 2:18,24 KJV

18 And the LORD God said, It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him an help meet for him.

24 Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh.

Malachi 2:16 KJV

15 And did not He make one? Yet had He the residue of the spirit. And wherefore one? That He might seek a godly seed. Therefore take heed to your spirit, and let none deal treacherously against the wife of his youth.

16 For the LORD, the God of Israel, saith that he hateth putting away: for one covereth violence with his garment, saith the LORD of hosts: therefore take heed to your spirit, that ye deal not treacherously.  

Matthew 19:3-9 KJV

3 The Pharisees also came unto him, tempting him, and saying unto him, Is it lawful for a man to put away his wife for every cause? 


Marriage is a sacred institution in the Christian faith, aiming to reflect Christ’s love and union with His church. However, marriages might confront problems and difficulties that lead to divorce ideas. As Christians, we are expected to honor and defend the sanctity of marriage, as well as to seek reconciliation and forgiveness when things go wrong. We will look at ways to erase the concept of divorce in Christian couples by pulling knowledge and direction from the Scriptures.

One of the most renowned scripture on the institution of marriage is Genesis 2:24, which says, ” Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh.” This verse emphasizes the oneness and commitment that should characterize the marriage partnership, as well as the significance of letting go of previous ties in order to unite with one’s spouse. Another verse that emphasizes the sacredness of marriage is Malachi 2:16. It states, “I hate divorce,” says the LORD God of Israel. “I hate it when one of you does such a cruel thing to his wife. Make sure that you do not break your promise to be faithful to your wife.” (Good News Bible). God cautions against the sin of divorce and encourages couples to guard their hearts and spirits against walking away from their vows.

In this discourse, we will draw on the above scriptures and other biblical truths to help us cancel the thought of divorce and establish healthy, enduring marriages.


Thoughts of divorce can emerge from a variety of factors, some of which are breakdown in communication, financial concerns, infidelity, or personality and value conflicts. These concerns might cause feelings of irritation, wrath, disappointment, and resentment. Fear, worry, and hopelessness can all contribute to the conception of divorce ideas.

According to study, thoughts of divorce can be contagious and spread from one partner to the other. This implies that if one person begins to consider divorce, it may raise the likelihood of the other partner considering divorce as well. It is critical to nip the thoughts of divorce in the bud as soon as they come and seek remedies to prevent them from escalating. 

As Christians, we look into the Bible for advice on life’s tough challenges, including divorce. In the following section, we will look at the Biblical perspective on marriage and divorce.


Marriage is a significant institution in the Bible, and it is viewed as a covenant between two people and God. The Bible teaches that marriage is meant to be a lifetime commitment, and divorce was never part of God’s original blueprint for marriage. In fact, the Bible expressly teaches that God hates divorce (Malachi 2:16).

In the New Testament, Jesus Christ reaffirmed this message when He declared, “So they are no longer two, but one. Therefore, what God has joined together, let no one separate” (Matthew 19:6). The Bible also teaches that divorce should be considered solely in circumstances of adultery (Matthew 19:9) and desertion by an unbelieving spouse (1 Corinthians 7:15).

However, the Bible admits that couples can experience problems and hardships. In times of marital strife, the Bible advises couples to seek reconciliation and forgiveness, as well as to love and serve one another selflessly. According to the Apostle Paul, love is patient, kind, does not envy or boast, is not arrogant or harsh, does not insist on its own way, is not irritable or resentful, and does not exult in wrongdoing but rejoices in the truth (1 Corinthians 13:4-7).


Divorce is not regarded as a desirable or appropriate solution to marital issues in the Bible. As I previously stated, God’s original design for marriage was for it to be a lifetime bond between two people and God. However, the Bible acknowledges that divorce can occur in specific circumstances.

In Matthew 19:3-9, Jesus Christ is asked about divorce, and He responds by noting that divorce is only authorized in cases of marital unfaithfulness (adultery). Jesus makes it plain that divorce was not God’s original purpose, and He condemns divorce for any other reason as a violation of the sanctity and intention of marriage.

The Apostle Paul teaches more on divorce in 1 Corinthians 7. Paul understands that certain marriages may be unpleasant and that separation may be required. However, he advises couples to stay married if feasible, and if they do separate, to remain unmarried or reconcile with their spouse (1 Corinthians 7:10-11). Paul also teaches that if an unbelieving spouse chooses to depart, the believing spouse is not bound by the marriage and may seek divorce (1 Corinthians 7:15).


If you are considering divorce, it is critical that you take action to address these feelings and keep them from increasing. Here are some steps you can take:

  1. Communication: Honest and open communication is essential in every relationship, especially when dealing with difficult problems like divorce. Discuss your worries, thoughts, and emotions with your partner, and carefully listen to their point of view.
  2. Counseling: Seek the advice and assistance of a professional Christian counselor as you manage your marital crisis. A counselor can assist you in identifying the fundamental causes of your divorce thoughts and providing practical strategies to address them.
  3. Forgiveness is a powerful tool that may mend relationships and restore trust. Forgive your spouse for any previous wrongs, and seek their forgiveness in return. This might help you build a foundation of love and trust in your relationship.
  4. Prayer: Turn to God in prayer for guidance, strength, and wisdom. Ask Him to guide you and your spouse through your marital difficulties and towards a solution that honors Him.
  5. Renewing your vows: Renewing your wedding vows can be a wonderful way to reaffirm your dedication to your partner and your marriage. This might serve as a reminder of your love and dedication to each other.
  6. Helping others: Helping others can be a wonderful way to redirect your focus away from your marriage problems and toward something positive. Find opportunities to help your town or church as a couple, and utilize this time to build your relationship.


Preventing divorce thoughts from recurring requires deliberate, continual effort and commitment from both partners in the marriage. Here are some steps you can take:

  1. Constant Communication: Communication is essential in any relationship. To keep thoughts of divorce from recurring, make sure you and your spouse are always conversing openly and honestly about your thoughts, feelings, and concerns. Regular check-ins can help prevent misunderstandings and resentment.
  2. Regular marital Checkups: Just like a routine physical checkup with your doctor, regular marital checkups with a marriage counselor or coach can help you and your spouse recognize and treat any problems before they escalate. Regular checkups might help maintain your marriage healthy and keep divorce ideas at bay.
  3. Consistent Effort: Marriage necessitates consistent effort and work from both partners. Make a conscious effort to continue to show your partner love, attention, and admiration, even when things are difficult. Consistent effort in your marriage will help minimize emotions of discontent and powerlessness, which can lead to divorce ideas.
  4. Dealing with Conflict: Conflict is an inevitable component of any relationship. When conflict emerges, it is critical to address it quickly and constructively. Learn healthy communication strategies, exercise forgiveness, and seek outside help if necessary to address disputes in a way that enhances your relationship.
  5. Prayer: Turn to God in prayer for guidance, strength, and wisdom. Ask Him to guide you and your spouse through your marital difficulties and towards a solution that honors Him.
  6. Self-care: Taking care of oneself physically, emotionally, and spiritually will help keep divorce ideas at bay. Make time for hobbies that bring you joy and fulfillment, and seek help from family and friends.
  7. Concentrating on the Positive: Make a concerted effort to concentrate on the positive parts of your relationship and your partner. Regularly express your gratitude and admiration to your partner. Celebrate your couple’s achievements and milestones.
  8. Making your marriage a high priority involves devoting time, effort, and energy to developing and sustaining a good and healthy connection with your spouse. It entails prioritizing your partnership over other responsibilities and activities that may distract or pull you away from your marriage.

Prioritizing the relationship can be as simple as setting up regular date nights, creating time for meaningful talks, and being purposeful about demonstrating love and respect to your partner. It can also imply making difficult decisions such as reducing work hours, declining outside responsibilities, or obtaining counseling when necessary to resolve any marital issues that may be affecting your relationship.

  1. Seeking accountability: Be open and honest with trusted individuals who can provide counsel, support, and accountability in your marriage. This may entail seeking the assistance of a Christian mentor, a marriage counselor, or a support group. Accountability partners can help you and your spouse be accountable to each other and give a safe environment to address challenging emotions and issues that may occur in your marriage. 


Cancelling the thoughts of divorce in a Christian marriage needs purposeful work and a commitment to creating a solid and healthy relationship with your husband. Prioritizing your marriage means communicating freely and honestly, seeking competent counseling, practicing forgiveness, turning to prayer, taking care of yourself, and focusing on the positive elements of your partnership.

Keep in mind that no marriage is flawless, and every relationship has ups and downs. You can overcome any obstacles and develop a healthy and lasting relationship that praises God by working together and seeking help when necessary.

May God heal your marriage from every turbulent crisis in Jesus’ name!

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