
Power Of Purpose Driving Life

Power Of Purpose Driving Life

Power Of Purpose Driving Life

To every soul created by God, there’s nothing matters more than knowing God’s purpose for your life. So also there’s nothing can compensate you for failure for not knowing the will of God for your life.

Because it takes you to know the Will of God and follow it , for you to live a meaningful life .God created us for a purpose and with a meaning. When life has meaning, it makes it bearable. Without God in your life, life itself has no meaning, So also without new birth, the life of man has no meaning.

Every failure to be saved is an evidence of total failure on earth and in heaven. The greatest tragedy in life is not death but life without a purpose driven. Brethren, knowing your purpose, it is what defines what you give yourself to pursue in life.

It helps you to avoid running your life on deficit. It will help you to scrutiny even your secret life if it  worth it.

Without a purpose driven life,  you have no foundation to build yourself a better tomorrow. Purpose driven helps people to be concentrate, it’s natural to easily get distracted but knowing what you are pursuing will help you to achieve your targets without losing your focus.

Without clear purpose, you will keep changing directions, changing church and marriage like shoes . The bible warned to avoid carelessness life but to understand what our Master wants and pursue it.

When you know the will of God for your life, it will motivates your spirit, because  purposeful life always produce passion and increase our zeal. You can not know the will of God for your life without you preparing for where to spend your eternityafterdeath.

It’s what makes people run away from sin. Living to create earthly legacy is good but the wise people used their time to build a better relationship with God to avoid hell. A day is coming every soul will stand before God to give account of how you run your Christian race.

There’s no man without a past,  but we must not remain a  prisoner of our past. God’s purpose is not limited to our past. Moses was once a murderer ,Paul was once a persecutor of the brethren,  but immediately they discovered the purpose of God for their lives, their focus changed.

If you are running from your guilt,  your wrong ways of life in the past.Don’t allow your past to frustrate what God has for you today, God’s purpose for your life is not limited  to your wrong ways of life or failures. God always gives man fresh opportunity for a fresh start with Him. This is why bible says “What  happiness for those whose guilts has been forgiven,  what relief for those who have confessed their sins and God has cleared them of their sin..

A purpose driven life make a believer forgive easily without any bitterness in their heart. Those who once hurt you cannot continue to hurt you  forever but you can continue to hold your offenders for their sins for couple of years.

Unfortunately you cannot hold any one with bitterness for you to be free of guilty before God. To actualise yourself the reason of your birth, You must be ready to become a friend of God and for you to be His friend,  you must ready to first surrender your life to Jesus Christ by accepting Him as your personal Lord and saviour. You must be  ready to part ways with sins and ungodly relationship . May God continue to uphold you and bless you abundantly in every areas of life in Jesus name.

If you are not yet saved,  says this with me, I surrender my life to Jesus Christ as my Lord and saviour, Lord Jesus come into my life and write my name in the book of life in the name of Jesus. The goodness of God will find you this week and favour you in Jesus name.

You will not struggle for relevant neither sweat to eat in Jesus.This week, Doors of Mercy will be open to you and your family in the name of Jesus. God bless you abundantly in Jesus name.

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