
The Destiny And The Fate

The Destiny And The Fate

The Destiny And The Fate

Destiny, Fate, and Lot mean a future that someone or something will have. Destiny and fate both suggest that the future has been decided or planned by God or by some godlike power.

Destiny often suggests a future that includes something great and important. Fate often suggests a future that cannot be avoided and that is usually sad or unpleasant. Lot suggests that someone’s future has been decided by luck.

Destiny is something that is to happen or has happened to a particular person or thing, lot or fortune. Destiny is the predetermined, usually inevitable or irresistible, course of events. The power or agency that determines the course of events. This power is personified or represented as a goddess. The Destinies, the Fates. 

To control your destiny, you must first accept who you are and where you are, right now. If you fool yourself into thinking that you’re further along in your goals then you are, you’ll leave yourself with nothing to accomplish. At the same time, don’t convince yourself that your life is worse than it is. Take a step back and look at your circumstances from a new perspective. Develop your self-awareness and accept reality. You can’t make a plan to control your destiny if you don’t know your starting point. 

I believe we are in full control of our choices and that our actions, in response to what fate offers us, matter. We are here to learn lessons and the hard decisions we have to make are what help us grow as humans. Our destiny is not something we can sit by and let happen to us.

I believe we are in full control of our choices and that our actions, in response to what fate offers us, matter. We are here to learn lessons and the hard decisions we have to make are what we grow as humans. Our destiny is not something we can sit by and let happen to us. We need to take action on the opportunities we are presented with. Fate may open doors but if it’s our destiny, then WE have to walk through them. We can either let fate lead us through life or we can shape our destiny.

A person’s destiny is everything that happens to them during their life, including what will happen in the future, especially when it is considered to be controlled by someone or something else.

Your past is not your future – unless you live there. To control your destiny, you must forgive those who have hurt you and let go of the past. Realize that, “Nothing in life has any meaning except the meaning you give to it.” Will you give your past a meaning-filled with hurt and pain, or will you realize that it’s what made you who you are today? Your past can be a source of inner strength and deep belief in yourself if you choose to give it a positive meaning. 

Your relationships also provide clues about your driving force – the ultimate reason you do the things you do. We’re all driven by Six Human Needs: certainty, significance, variety, love/connection, growth and contribution. We need all of these things at a certain level, but we each have one top need that drives us more than others. By looking at your life in this context, you’ll be able to control your destiny, because you will recognize and fulfill your needs positively. 

Destiny is the energy of fulfillment, satisfaction, expression, love and commitment, and that energy can manifest itself in several different ways. Also, destiny looks different at different places along the path. It will take some time to prepare for your destiny, hone your skills and mature into it. And yet every step on the way to that ultimate destiny is just as important as the destination itself, even the “mistakes” along the way. 

Fear is a natural survival instinct, but like our relationships, it doesn’t always serve us. If you’re living in fear, you can never truly learn how to control your destiny. To become your best self and realize your unlimited growth potential, you must learn how to use fear instead of letting fear use you. Be vulnerable with your partner. Take steps to start that business you dream of. Sign up for a public speaking class. Whatever you are afraid of, go do it today. 

Accepting reality doesn’t mean you just sit back and forget about how to control your destiny. It means that you take ownership of what you can change and forget about things you can’t. You can’t control what others do or think. You can’t control the market. The only thing you can change is your mindset. To do that, you must question the story you tell yourself – and transform it into one that empowers you. Limiting beliefs – the negative things we tell ourselves about the way we are and the way the world is – only hold you back from fully controlling your destiny. 

Destiny is a choice. You can choose to stay on the merry-go-round of “should” and “ought to” and never pursue your destiny at all; you are the one that decides.

Destiny is the force which some people believe controls the things that happen to you in your life. I believe we are in full control of our choices and that our actions, in response to what fate offers us, matter. We are here to learn lessons and the hard decisions we have to make are what help us grow as humans. Our destiny is not something we can sit by and let happen to us.

Everyone, one day or another, sooner or later, asks questions like these: Who was I born to be? What is it I came here to do? What is my purpose on this planet?

And let’s face it; none of us wants to miss it. If there is a grand reason for our being here, it would be a major screw-up if we blithely danced through life without seeking the answer to this burning question.

Your destiny isn’t “out there” it’s “in you”. It is what you are best suited for, what you can be an absolute genius at, and what will bring you more joy (and money, should you allow it) than anything else on the planet.

And the way to uncover your destiny is by doing what excites you every minute you possibly can. I’m not excited about anything…my life sucks.

Then start where you are. Accept your life sucks. Now, of all the sucky things you could do right now, what is most exciting? Give yourself the time and space to mentally list them.

Well, I could walk the dog, do the dishes, clean the toilets, watch TV, check my Facebook page, get a snack, or call my friend…

Good! Now try those things on…imagine them, one at a time. Which one is more exciting than the others? Do that.

And, when you are finished, ask yourself again, “What would be the most exciting thing to do right now?” By consciously choosing the most exciting thing at every given moment you are:

Destiny will always be epic to you—not necessarily to everyone else. You may not win the Nobel Peace Prize or be the next famous whatever, but you will feel as if you’ve hit your jackpot (if you don’t let your ego get in the way).

It can be hard to think of our destiny as being separate from our fate if we become accustomed to letting it lead our path. A lot of people look at life with a “Que sera sera” (what will be, will be) attitude but if you think about it as something you have control over, you can make deliberate actions to create your desired destiny. This means being true to yourself and not being passive or only following other people’s opinions. I truly believe remaining authentic is the best way to determine not just any destiny but the one that’s meant for YOU. Fate presents us with the opportunities to create it, all we have to do is decide what destiny we want. 

The point is that what we have done plays a considerable role in what we can do in the future. And while this happens to us as individuals, it also happens to companies and societies at large. While we might want to return to the moon today, the technology and expertise have not been sustained, so it will take a lot of time to prepare.

The more you practice it, the bigger, stronger it gets. Stepping back a little, the choices we make today affect the choices we can make tomorrow or further in the future. For example, in my story above, I talked about deciding to take a job in Korea; while I was free to leave whenever I wanted, I had committed to staying for a year. So even if I wanted to stop giving English lessons to that mother, I had said yes to begin with, so it would have been difficult to stop. I would have likely had to run away in the middle of the night to get away from it.

Looking a little deeper at how much control we have over our fates, we also have to keep in mind cause and effect. For example, if you had a negative experience with a cat as a child, you will have a different response to seeing one, than someone who had a positive experience.

While most people stop learning after they finish school, those who continue to learn to achieve the most. There are a surprising number of people who are content with what they know. They refuse to become more knowledgeable even about things that interest them. Just by the virtue of reading this, you are different. If you want to continue to grow and improve as an artist and a person, you have to continue learning. Those who give up will never achieve anything. It’s just a fact of life. We will never achieve our dreams if we quit at the first sign of trouble. You have to be willing to fail and pick yourself back up again. Persistent people are the ones still standing while everything around them is crumbling to the ground. You can’t control much about the world, but you can control whether you let the world bring you down. 

One of the biggest indicators of success is the habits you’ve built over time. You can only achieve so much when you are always running around like a chicken with its head cut off. You can’t do things on a whim. It’s hard to be consistent if you haven’t built the right habits around being consistent. You have to build a consistent routine and self-discipline.

“Whatever you constantly think about and focus upon you move toward.” Once you’ve designed your life, you must put all your energy toward achieving that life. Stop relying on others to make you feel a certain way or wait around for them to get on the same page. Use empowering routines like priming, visualization, incantations and exercise to focus your intentions on how to control your destiny. Create goals using a system like Tony’s Rapid Planning Method and hold yourself accountable. You have all the tools you need, the rest is up to you. 

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